Children Of Abraham

“ I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd … Oh, that Ishmael might live before you ” ( John 10:16 ; Genesis 17:18)



History and Purpose

Focus Group

Why is God "Internationalizing" The U.S.

Did You Know?

Means of Outreach

Responding to the Challenge of Islam

Questions and Answers about Arab-Americans

Questions and Answers about Islam

Witnessing to your Muslim Friends


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Means of Outreach

We are committed to reach 3.5 million across North America. The map shows the distribution of our focus group.

  • Al-Kawkab

  • As the map reveals, Arabic communities are scattered all over the United States. For years, we have been praying and planning to reach this largely unreached group with the Gospel. The Lord is leading us to employ the power of the printed page. One such tool is Al-Kawkab magazine. It contains articles that capture the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and takes a fresh look at current issues from a distinctly Christian point of view. The goal is to inform and challenge the readers to consider the Gospel. The title ‘Al-Kawkab’ is the Arabic word for “The Morning Star”, taken from Revelation 22: “I Jesus…the bright Morning Star…Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water We are committed to reach 3.5 million across North America. The map shows the distribution of our focus group. of life.” Over 70,000 Arab households are Currently, on our mailing list in North America, and many of the readers are responding to the Gospel. What the great missionary to Islam- Samuel Zwemers said at the turn of the century, is still true in our day: “If Muslims are ever to understand Christianity in its saving truth and its wholesome life, we must place before them the Word of God and good biblical literature.”
  • Bible Distribution

  • We need to remember that Muhammad and many generations of his spiritual followers have not had the Bible in their own language, and so they have not understood the Gospel. Instead, Muhammad drew his conclusions about Christianity from distorted sources: Jewish heterodoxy and superstition and Christian mixture of materials from biographies of saints and martyrs as well as Apocrypha. The truth of God’s glorious self-revelation, in Christ and His Word has been hidden from millions of Muslims. No wonder why Muslims even today still look upon the Word of God with suspicion. History and our allegiance to the Word of God, demands that C.O.A. be committed to place the Word of God in the hands of many Muslims.
  • Arabic Study Bible (ASB)

  • We are certainly blessed by so many English study Bibles, but an Arabic Study Bible is long overdue. After more than 5 years of diligent work, Children Of Abraham has produced a distinctive Arabic Study Bible that surveys the remarkable progress of redemption in a way that will captivate the seekers, and impel them to consider its message. With the help of the study aides, they will be able to unearth the wonderful Biblical truth for themselves. This is significant since many of our focus groups have no church connections and they live in areas closed to the Gospel. We believe that the best gift we can ever place in the hands of Arabs and Muslims is the Word of God including numerous study aids and commentaries produced by outstanding Evangelical scholars. The absolute authority of the Scripture is the underlying principle that governs the writing of all notes, commentaries outlines and many other study aids. The Bible text is based on the timeless Van Dyck faithful Arabic translation from the original languages which remains the best and most loved translation. One Arab theologian said: “As a young man, I still remember how much I longed for a Study Bible in Arabic where I could find exegetical helps, background information, definitions of theological terms, etc. It was simply non-existent! Thus, it is with much rejoicing that I welcome the news of the publication of the ASB by Children Of Abraham who strove for several years to fulfill that big need…” Another Christian leader said: “… This outstanding work is a remarkable companion to the Bible. This ASB will, I pray impact the Arabs and Muslims for the 21st century and beyond.” We certainly echo the same prayer.
  • Awareness Seminars

  • Another part of COA's ministry is to inform the Church in North America about the challenges of Islam and to present opportunities to reach Muslims with the Gospel. COA is committed to the local church and we believe that nothing can replace the place and the work of the body of Jesus Christ. The local church is one of the great assets to reach this mission field that has come to America. Working with the local church is one of our main goals. Many unreached immigrants, particularly Arabs and Muslims, can be found in most communities across the United States. COA believes that every believer must be nourished in a local godly fellowship.