History and Purpose
Focus Group
Why is God "Internationalizing" The U.S.
Did You Know?
Means of Outreach
Responding to the Challenge of Islam
Questions and Answers about Arab-Americans
Questions and Answers about Islam
Witnessing to your Muslim Friends
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Did you know? |
According to the U.S Census Bureau, that:
- Islam is the second largest religion in the world with more than 1.3 Billion>
followers, the largest unreached people group in the world today.
- U.S. Muslims already outnumber all U.S. Presbyterians.
- Of the more than 400,000 international students from 181 countries
who study at American universities, 30% are Muslims, many from
countries closed to the Gospel.
- In the year 1930 there was one Mosque in the U.S. Today there are
more than 1,200 (80% less than 10 years old).